Enhancing Voter Participation
The Floridians for Democracy Institute ENHANCES voter participation in the democratic process by complementing and energizing the networks of organizations that help Get Out the Vote (GOTV). We pursue every eligible Democrat, NPA, and Republican who will strive to ensure that democracy is saved and protected.
Three Pillars
Get Out The Vote (GOTV)

Establish partnerships with national, state, and local organizations.
- Understand the needs of partner organizations and determine the best way to amplify and support
- Encourage FFDI members participate in various partners' GOTV campaigns
- Broadcast GOTV events to all coalition members and partners
- Share research on the need and urgency to GOTV

Create Get Out The Vote Operations.
- While not competing with other organizations, GOTV efforts are essential, implement our own feet-on-the ground teams to GOTV
- Develop technology solutions like an app to allow registration to vote in the field
- Within the laws of Florida, streamline a process to help citizens register to vote and to submit to the appropriate agency to capture every registration

Use FFDI communications channels to help mobilize the vote.
- Create a link on the FFDI website to provide information on how to register to vote
- Link to online voter registration https://registertovoteflorida.gov
- Have links to organizations that can register voters
- In every Zoom meeting or in-person event, have a call to action to register to vote
Registering to vote
The deadline to register for an upcoming election is 29 days before that election. You can also update your registration record at any time. However, since Florida is a closed primary election state, a party change for a primary election must be made by the registration deadline for that election. If the deadline has passed, you can still submit an online application at any time, and it will be processed for future elections.
Who is eligible to register
You must:
- Be a citizen of the United States of America
- Be a legal resident of Florida
- Be a legal resident of the county in which you seek to be registered
- Be at least 16 years old to preregister or at least 18 years old to register and vote
- Not be a person who has been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting in Florida or any other state without having the right to vote restored
- Not be a person convicted of a felony without having your right to vote restored
How to submit an online application
Go to https://registertovoteflorida.gov.
You will need:
- Your Florida driver license or Florida identification card issued by the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles
- The issued date of your Florida DL or Florida ID card
- The last four digits of your Social Security Number